What is WorldView Ministries? — Part 3

Core Values

This is Part 3 in a series of 6 articles defining and explaining the heartbeat of WorldView Ministries. My burden is to clearly relate who we are, what our God-given vision is, and how we are taking the steps necessary to achieve our vision.

Core Value #2: National TrainingiStock_000014542157XSmall

Producing disciples among unreached people groups is required if we are to make significant progress in obeying the Great Commission.

Over half the world is still waiting to hear the Gospel. If we could preach to 10,000 people every day who had never heard the gospel before, it would take over 1,000 years to reach them all. If every missionary we sent out reached 5,000 people with the Gospel, it would take an army of over 600,000 missionaries. Even if one includes all evangelical groups, the missionary work force is not even 5% of that number, and all agree that there will never be enough foreign missionaries to finish the task. Therefore, we must dedicate ourselves to the thrust of the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20. We are to make disciples. We are to win them, baptize them and teach (disciple) them to observe all things Christ has commanded us.

We also have the command to reach every creature (Mark 16:15), but we have not even penetrated every nation (people group). We will never reach every creature until we penetrate every nation and disciple new believers from those nations which will foster the disciple-making process among their own people.

WorldView frequently coordinates and participates in national training events such as pastor’s conferences, Bible conferences and evangelism training conferences. These events have taken place in countries both open and closed to the Gospel.

This emphasis on national training is led and coordinated by WorldView’s Director of National Training Programs. Please pray for these efforts. If you are a pastor or otherwise qualified teacher or speaker and have a desire to help train nationals on the foreign field, please contact us for possible participation.